There are countless questions that you might be asked when pursuing a graduate role in the mining, oil, and gas industry. The challenge is to figure out which ones to prepare for. Fortunately, we’ve been able to take some of the guesswork out of this process by basing the following list on feedback given to us by graduates who have actually been recruited by major organisations in the mining, oil, and gas industry. After reviewing the list, read on to hear some tips from these grads about how to respond to even the most difficult questions with confidence.
“Be true to yourself. Believing in your own abilities brings confidence naturally. Be genuine. Be prepared for behavioral questions. Think of times in your life that you can use as examples to apply to specific behavioral questions.”
Graduate, Sydney, Caltex
“You can best prepare by really understanding the organisation as much as possible and importantly, how you can contribute to achieving its key priorities. Being honest and realistic is appreciated, don't try and put on a false persona. You don't need to have a completely clear view of what your future looks like, but have the passion and show that you are willing to commit to the organisation by believing in what they stand for.”
Graduate, Brisbane, Rio Tinto
“Use the STAR method for answering behavioural questions. Consider other types of leadership (e.g. personal) in addition to team leadership.”
Graduate, Melbourne, BP
“Ensure you have a wide variety of experiences and situations ready to discuss, ideally in a STAR format. There is a significant focus put on matching candidates to the company's culture.”
Graduate, Perth, Woodside
“Read up on the oil and gas industry and the different parts of it in which Santos operates (for example, production, development, and exploration).”
Graduate, Adelaide, Santos
“Read up about the company culture. Often that can be the difference between a candidate who makes it and a candidate who doesn't.”
—Graduate, Perth, Shell